Saturday, March 31, 2018

Swirl, Sniff, Taste. Cheers!

I love wine.  My mother is probably rolling over in her grave in Angle Hill Cemetery as I type this.  She has probably rolled all the way down the hill now by the little house with the chickens in the yard next to the cemetery. My mother did not approve of alcohol.  She drank when she was young.  But from the time I turned seven and my sister was born my mother never drank alcohol again.   But I will say it again.  I love wine.  If I became ill and had to give up sugar, candy, cakes, or bread I would survive.  I would miss them but I would survive.  If I never drank another glass of beer or scotch again I would miss it but I would once again still survive. Coffee?  I have already given it up.  I drink Sanka now.  I sleep better that way.   When I am old and in the rest home and not recognizing any of my family all I ask is that you visit, tell me your name, and bring me a glass of wine.  I will appreciate it and although I may  not remember your name, I will know your the nice one who brought me some wine.

If my mother was still alive and reading my blog this would be the image she would have in her mind.

Any of my online friends reading this will realize that in reality I am just sitting at my computer wearing my Eric Cartman pajamas's having a glass of wine and musing on my blog.

When I travel you can usually find a glass of wine nearby.  We visited our friend Sue Taylor in Scotland a few years ago.  Mark was worn out from jet lag.  Me?  I had a glass of wine.

Our good friends Tom and Joan have a frog who drinks wine in their yard.   I like their landscaping.

I love the fact that I can buy a bottle of wine with my dog's picture on it.

When we visit my home town we always take friends to the Vineyard, a great wine bar in Havre de Grace, Maryland.  They have a lovely lounge with a fire place.  And it's not busy on Saturday afternoons.  So when I visit with friends we have the place to ourselves and we have fun.

Ona and Lila at The Vineyard

My daughter Katie and I at the Vineyard

Ona and I at The Vineyard

Grand Cru in Belvedere Square Market in Baltimore is another favorite wine bar.  Mark and I are friends with the owner and managers.  We feel at home there.  One of my favorite photos of Mark and I was taken at Grand Cru.  I use it as my Facebook photo quite often.  

Frequent Facebook Photo of Mark and I

And much like the Vineyard, we take our friends to Grand Cru with us also.  Our friend Ona once again joins us in some fun in the photos below at Grand Cru.

Ona with Mark and I at Grand Cru

Ona at Grand Cru

Ona and her husband Bob at Grand Cru

So when do I recommend a glass wine?  

If you go through a nasty break up and need to get yourself back together buy a ticket to Budapest and have a glass of wine.

Alone finding my smile again in Budapest 

If you get married to that new love two years later buy two tickets to Santorini and  put a bottle of wine on your balcony.

The wine is only two feet away in Santorini

If you're out Christmas shopping with your sister go to Frederick, Maryland and have a glass of wine. And yes Mom, Shelley drinks wine too.  

Mark, Shelley and I Chrstmas shopping in Frederick.

In this topsy turvy crazy world, at the best times and the worst times.  Find some time to relax.  Find some friends and family and have a few laughs.  Tomorrow could be better.  Tomorrow could be worse.  But for the moment take a deep breath.  Smile.  Have a glass of wine.

                                                  Swirl, sniff, taste.  Cheers!


  1. Wine is the answer! Now what was the question?! Fun photos Larry! They put me in the mood (a bit early...) as I cook for Easter... Best wishes from Montreal, lou (alza in another world.)

    1. Nice to hear from you. It's been a while. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Nice. I'm trying to build my own site with the saved material from VT, where wine was present. It goes slowly, but something is already done, as you may see in Come to Portugal in September, if you want to join the fun.

  3. You always write from the heart. Love all those fun days and nights at Grand Cru and HDG you made me smile!

  4. Your comment about being old and in the rest home made me smile, as that's just what my mother was like. She didn't know who we were or where she was, but she still liked a glass of wine with her dinner and we made sure the staff always had a bottle put aside for her

    1. I love that Sarah. I hope someone has a bottle in place for me too one day.
